2020 (Paper download here)
- Effect of Si Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al1.5%Mn Alloys, Materials Transactions, 71巻, 7号, pp. 1355-1363, 2020,5,29
- Possibility of As-Cast Applications on β-Type Titanium Alloys Proposed in the Newly Expanded Area of Bot-Mdt Diagram, Materials Transactions, 61巻, 4号, pp. 740-749, 20200108
- Spark Sintering of TiB2 Reinforced Fe Matrix Composites with Both High Thermal Conductivity and Hardness, and Their Microstructural Characterizations, Materials Transactions, 61巻, 3号, pp. 548-556, 20200110
- Development of Carbon Short Fiber Reinforced Al Based Composite without Preform Manufacturing, Materials Transactions, 61巻, 5号, pp. 1041-1044, 20200305
- Microstructure and Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube Block-Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composite, Materials Transactions, 61巻, 4号, pp. 626-631, 20200207
2019 (Paper download here)
- Fabrication of Cr based electrodeposited composite film using nano ZrO2 particles on aluminum substrate, Materials Science and Engineering, 547巻, 5号, pp. 012027, 20190905
- Development of short carbon reinforced Aluminum matrix composite by low pressure infiltration process, Materials Science and Engineering, 547巻, 5号, pp. 012024, 20190905
- Applicability of As-Cast on β Type Titanium Alloys Proposed in the Compositional Region with Different Tensile Deformation Types, Materials Transactions, 60巻, 11号, pp. 2426-2434, 2019
- Synthesis of 30 vol% TiB2 containing Fe-5Ti matrix composites with high thermal conductivity and hardness, Materials Transactions, 60巻, 12号, pp. 2516-2524, 2019
2018 (Paper download here)
- Evaluation of Effective Thermal Conductivity of Metal Matrix Composites by Using Image-Based Calculation, Materials Science Forum, 941巻, pp. 1939-1943, 20181226
- Development of tool steel matrix composites with high thermal conductivity, Materials Science Forum, 941巻, pp. 1956-1960, 20181226
- Cold crucible levitaion nelting of near alpa titanium alloys and their characterizations, Japan Foundry Engineering Society., pp. 37-41, 20181214
- Microstructures of carbon fiber and hybrid carbon fiber-carbon nanofiber reinforced aluminum matrix composites by low pressure infiltration process and their properties, Materials Transactions, 59巻, 12号, pp. 1935-1942, 20181102
- Development of Graphene Reinforced Metal Matrix Composite b y Spark Plasma Sintering, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7巻, 3号, pp. 76-79, 201807
2017(Paper download here)
- アルミニウム基複合材料の有効熱伝導率に対する界面熱抵抗の影響, 日本金属学会, 81巻, 10号, pp. 467-474, 20170711
- Microstructures of Al3Ni Particles Reinforced Composites by In ltration and Reaction Method and Their Properties, Materials Transactions, 58巻, 8号, pp. 1235-1237, 20170630
- Manufacturing Process of Carbon-Alumina Short Fiber Hybrid Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites by Low Pressure Casting, Materials Transactions, 58巻, 7号, pp. 1097-1099, 20170609
- Manufacturing of Carbon Nanotube Preform with High Porosity and Its Application in Metal Matrix Composites, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 58巻, 5号, pp. 834-837, 20170331
- Fabrication of Vapor-Grown Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Magnesium-Calcium Alloy Composites by Compo-Casting Process, Materials Transactions, 58巻, 4号, pp. 673-678, 20170217
- Tensile properties of Bi alloy and a case study for alloy design in their application to high temperature solders, Materials Transactions, 58巻, 2号, pp. 140-147, 20170125
2016(Paper download here)
- Development of TiB2 Dispersed Aluminum Composites by Spark Plasma Sintering, Materials Science Forum, 877巻, pp.601-pp.605, 2016,11
- Effect of the interfacial thermal resistance of effective thermal conductivity of Al/SiC partical-dispersed composites, Materials Science Forum, 879巻, pp.1889-pp.1894, 2016
- Effect of preparation conditions of TiB2 particel dispersed Al composite on microstructure, Materials Science Forum, 879巻, pp.1674-pp.1678, 2016
- Consolidation Behaviors of FeB–25Ni Powders in Spark Sintering and Mechanical Properties of Their Compacts, Materials Transactions,, 57巻, 12号, pp.2139-pp.2145, 2016
- Effect of the Interfacial Thermal Resistance on the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Aluminum Matrix Composites, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 57巻, 5号, pp.582-pp.589, MAY 2016
- Preparation of FeB-Ni Hard Materials by both Electroless Plating and Spark Sintering, and their Mechanical Properties, Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 63巻, 7号, pp.484-pp.490, 2016.02.05
- Application of Spark Sintering to Preparation of Zn-50Sn-Al2O3/Cu Joints for AC-Low Voltage Fuse Elements Without Lead, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 57巻, 6号, pp.824-pp.832, 2016
- Spark Sintering Behavior of Ubiquitously Fe-B and Fe Powders and Characterization of Their Hard Composites, Materials Transactions, 57巻, 5号, pp.600-pp.607, 201604
- Manufacturing process of particle intermetallic compound reinforced composites by infiltration-reaction method, Mechanical Engineering Journal, 3巻, 2号, 201604
- Estimation of the electrical conductivity of TiB2/Al composites by using image analysis, Mechanical Engineering Journal, 3巻, 2号, 201604
- Application and Compositional Optimization of Zn Alloys for High Temperature Solders, Materials Transactions, 57巻, 4号, pp.553-pp.557, 20160311
2015 (Paper download here)
- “Nickel Formation on Graphite Sheet Surface for Improving Wettability with Magnesium Alloy”
Materials Transactions vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 1693-1697 (2015.8) Yongbum Choi, Zhefeng Xu, Kenjiro Sugio, Kazuhiro Matsugi, Gen Sasaki - Kazuhiro Matsugi, Shinji Yamamura, Zhe-Feng Xu, Yong-Bum Choi, Kenjiro Sugio, Gen Sasaki, Nobuyuki Oda,“Compositional Optimization of Al-Mn-X Alloys and Their Tensile and Corrosion Properties”Materials Transactions vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 1675-1682 (2015.8)
- K.Matsugi, H. Kishimoto, D. Yamakawa, Z.F. Xu, Y.B. Choi
“Compositional Optimization of β type Titanium alloys with shape memory ability and their characteristics”Materials Transactions vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 1747-1755 (2015.9) - Z.F. Xu, Y.B. Choi, K. Matsugi, M.H. Lee, Y.C. Zhao, K. Sugio, G. Sasaki
“Fabrication and Electrical Conductivity of VGCNF+Alp/Al1070 Composites by Low-Pressure Infiltration Process”Materials Research Innovationsvol. 19, no. 9, pp. 167-170 (2015.11) - Yuehua Wang, Meiqi Yu, Qi Qiao, Fei You, Cailing Li, Zhefeng Xu, Kazuhiro Matsugi, and Jinku Yu,”Effect of Plastic Deformation on the Crystal Structure and Crystallization Activation Energy of Ni-W-P Alloy Coating”Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 2653-2654 (2015.5)
- Rena Matsumoto, Toshimasa Uemura, Zhefeng Xu, Isamu Yamaguchi, Toshiyuki Ikoma, Junzo Tanaka”Rapid oriented fibril formation of fish scale collagen facilitates early osteoblastic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells”Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A vol. 103, no. 8, pp. 2531-2539 (2015.8)
2014 (Paper download here)
- Yongbum Choi, Junichi Murakami, Takahiro Motoyama, Kazuhiro Matsugi, Kenjiro Sugio, Gen Sasaki“Optimal production process of particulate intermetallic compound reinforced aluminum metal matrix composites”International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 503-512 (2014.4)
- 松木 一弘, 寺田 圭吾, 古川 章太, 崔 龍範, 佐々木 元, 末次 憲一郎
鋳造工学 vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 216-222 (2014.3) - Moonhee Lee, Yonbum Choi, Kenjiro Sugio, Kazuhiro Matsugi, Gen Sasaki“Effect of aluminum carbide on thermal conductivity of the unidirectional CF/Al composites fabricated by low pressure infiltration process”Composites Science and Technology vol. 97, no. 16, pp. 1-5 (2014.6)
- Yongbum Choi, Takahiro Motoyama, Kazuhiro Matsugi, Gen Sasaki
“Influence of the specific surface area of porous nickel to the intermetallic compound generated by reaction of porous nickel and aluminum”Metals and Materials International vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 741-745 (2014.7) - Y.B. Choi, K. Matsugi, G. Sasaki“Manufacturing process of dispersed intermetallic compounds Al alloy composite by using porous nickel”
Journal of composite materials vol. 48, no. 18, pp. 2289-2295 (2014.2) - Moonhee Lee, Yongbum Choi, Kazuhiro Matsugi, Gen Sasaki, Tulugan Kelimu“Effect of SiO2 amount on microstructures and tensile properties of alumina short fiber-reinforced composites by low-pressure infiltration method”Journal of composite materials vol. 48, no. 27, pp. 3435-3441 (2014.11)
- Gen Sasaki, Kota Ishikawa, Yonbum Choi, Kenjiro Sugio, Kazuhiro Matsugi“Effect of dispersibility of TiB2 particels on electrical conductivity in TiB2/Al composites”Materials Science Forum vol. 783-786, pp. 1573-1578 (2014.5)
- Zhefeng Xu, Kazuhiro Matsugi, Yongbum Choi, Keigo Terada, Ken-ichiro Suetsugu“Prediction of Mechanical Properties on Zinc System Alloys and Their Application to High Temperature Lead-Free Solder”
Electronics System-Intergration Technology Conference (ESTC2014) pp. S924-1-S924-3 (2014.9) - M. Tagaya, T. Ikoma, ZF. Xu, J. Tanaka“Synthesis of luminescent nanoporous silica spheres functionalized with folic acid for targeting to cancer cells”Inorganic chemistry,vol. 53, pp. 6817-6827 (2014.12)
- Kazuhiro Matsugi, Hiromu Matsumoto, Yongbum Choi, Gen Sasaki, Ken-ichiro Suetsugu, Koji Fujii,“Control of electrical and thermal properites by 8 vol% Al2O3 distribution states in Zn-50Sn for AC-Low voltage fuses”Materials transactions vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 577-585 (2014.12)
- Okyoung Lee, Moonhee Lee, Yongbum Choi, Kenjiro Sugio, Kazuhiro Matsugi, Gen Sasaki“Microstructure observation of preform for high performance VGCF/Aluminum composites”Materials Transactions
vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 827-830 (2014.4) - S. Motozuka, M. Tagaya, K. Shiba, ZF. Xu, M. Nishikawa, T. Yoshioka, T. Ikoma, J. Tanaka“Effective composite preparation between graphite and iron particles by the interfacial mediation of force-activated oxygen atoms”Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research vol. 53, pp. 16736-16753 (2014.12)
- 松木一弘“合金組成と製造プロセスの両最適化によるチタン合金の材質制御と形状記憶特性”チタン誌 vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 276-285 (2014.1)
- 松木一弘“ウェットプロセスによる精密薄膜コーティング, 粉体へのめっき 技術とその均一化”技術情報協会出版 (2014.8)
2013 (Paper download here)
- Yongbum Choi, Kazuhiro Matsugi, Gen Sasaki“Manufacturing process of disersed intermetallic compounds Al alloy composites by using porous nickel”Journal of composite Materials vol. (2013.9)
- Moonhee Lee, Yongbum Choi, Kazuhiro Matsugi, Gen Sasaki, Tulugan Kelimu“Effect of SiO2 amount on microstructures and tensile properties of alumina short fiber-reinforced composites by low-pressure infiltration method”Journal of composite materials (2013.11)
- Moonhee Lee, Yongbum Choi, Tatsuya Hinoki, Kazumi Ozawa, Yutai Katoh, Kazuhiro Matsugi“Mechanical properties of NITE-SiC/SiC composites fabricated after neutron irradiation”Fusion Engineering and Design. (2013.12)
- Yongbum Choi, Takahiro Motoyama, Kazuhiro Matsugi, Gen Sasaki
“Influence of the specific surface area of a porous nickel on the intermetallic compund generated by reaction of a porous nickel and aluminum”Metals and Materials International (2013.12) - 松木一弘, 冨ケ原健翔, 崔龍範, 佐々木元, 倉本英哲“低コストFe-BとFeの混合粉末放電焼結における挙動とそれらの特性”粉体および粉末冶金 vol. 60, pp. 379-386 (2013.9)
- 許 哲峰, 佐々木 元, 多賀谷 基博, 生駒 俊之, 田中 順三“放電プラズマ焼結法による気相成長カーボンナノファイバー強化アルミニウム複合材料の作製”
マテリアル インテグレーション vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 23-28 (2013.2) 多 - 賀谷 基博, 本塚 智, 許 哲峰, 田中 順三“炭素繊維の複合技術と応用 -金属酸化物による表面/界面機能化-“マテリアル インテグレーションvol. 26, no. 2, pp. 16-22 (2013.1)
- Satoshi Motozuka, Motohiro Tagaya, Toshiyuki Ikoma, Tomohiko Yoshioka, Zhefeng Xu, Junzo Tanaka“Mechanochemical Fabrication of Iron-Graphite Composites”Journal of Composite Materials vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 1241-1246 (2013.4)
- 松木一弘“粉・粒体の構造制御,表面処理とプロセス設計 ―ハンドリング,応用の事例とトラブル対策―;第1章第17節, 粉体へのめっき技術とその均一化”技術情報協会出版 (2013.9)